Author: Eugene Kim

Collaboration Muscles & Mindsets: How Did We Do?

As our Future Forward participants continue to delve deeply into this current experiment phase, I wanted to summarize what happened in the four months of preparation leading up to these experiments. As I wrote earlier this year, from February through May 2015, I led our participants through a program called Collaboration Muscles & Mindsets. From February through May 2015, our…

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Eight Weeks of Muscles & Mindsets

I’m facilitating the “workouts” that make up Collaboration Muscles & Mindsets, which we’re undergoing together as part of the Future Forward project. The workouts are designed to help the group practice the skills and mindsets that will help the group think and act in innovative ways. Why are we doing this? At its core, Future Forward is an innovation challenge…

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Aligning on Working Agreements

When I first started talking with Eveline Shen of Forward Together and Holly Bartling of General Service Foundation about doing this work together, we quickly agreed that storytelling had to be central to the work. We wanted to have field-level impact, not just organizational, and one way we could do that would be to share what we learned as we…

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